
Wijnnieuws deel 1

Wijnnieuws deel 1
Prosecco wordt wederom `het zomerdrankje`van 2009 ! MeMo2, een onafhankelijk onderzoeks- en adviesbureau, gespecialiseerd in crossmediale reclame-effecten, heeft in opdracht van Amsterdam Inc. onderzoek gedaan naar wat Amsterdammers deze zomer gaan drinken. Om tot een betrouwbaar resultaat te komen is er een steekproef genomen uit honderdduizend panelleden door heel Nederland.( bron AT5 )
Rosé blijft ook in trek! Want naast de populaire proseccobubbles, nu ook roséprosecco als hip drankje in bars en terrasjes.

Onze Europese bestuurders in Brussel en Straatsburg hadden ook weer een"geweldig idee" : Het mengen van witte en rode wijnen om rosé te maken zou toegestaan mogen worden ( ??? ) . Niet iedereen weet dat ook rosé maken vaardigheden vraagt van een wijnboer. De lichtrode kleur wordt verkregen door de most ( schillen, pitten ) maar enkele uren in contact te laten met het geperste sap. ( normaal bij rode wijn ongeveer 2 weken ) Mengen van wit en rood sap gaat aan elk Europeese wijnwetgeving voorbij en de bestuurders in Brussel kondan dan ook rekenen op hevig verzet uit alle Europese wijnlanden.
Geschrokken door de reactie uit de wijnwereld werd dit wetsvoorstel weer snel in de prullenbak gegooid.
Reactie van de Italiaanse minister van landbouw: ?We are glad to hear that Brussels has given up plans to authorise the blending of red and white wines to produce rosé wine,? Italian Agriculture Minister Luca Zaiasaid on hearing of the decision by European Farm Commissioner Mariann Fischer Boel. ?This is the Europe we want, one based on the respect of identity, quality, food safety and tradition,? he added. 'The reversal of a reform proposal, which would have marked the end of a product, rich in history and quality like that of rose wine, was ,made possible above all thanks to a concerted effort by Italy and France, two nations united by a common passion for wine and the culture which surrounds it", Zaia said.(vinowire)


il Prosecco é stato scelto Di nuovo come aperitivo dell?estate 2009 in Olanda.

MeMo2, una?agenzia di ricerca indipendente e specializzata in crossmedia ha fatto ricerca su cosa beve o ha intenzione di bere la gente Olandese quest?estate.Per arrivare ad un risultato efficace e fedele hanno fatto le prove con 100.000 persone di culture ed etá diverse in tutto l?olanda.( bron AT5 ) Anche il rosato rimane alto nella lista sopratutto il prosecco rosato é molto in voga nei bar e sulle terrazze.

I nostri ?capi?di Bruxelles e Strasburgo hanno recentemente hanno avuto un?idea meravigliosa : mischiare vino bianco e rosso per fare rosé. Non tutti sanno che la produzione di il rosé richiede cura e capacitá dal produttore . il colore rosé arriva dal contatto di alcune ore del mosto ( le bucce ) con il succo ( nel fare il vino rosso questa procedura é di circa 2 settimane). Il mischiare di succo bianco e rosso trapassa ogni ragione e ogni legge vinicola europea ed i ?regenti di Bruxelles?hanno trovato enormi prosteste da tutti i paesi di produzione. Per fortuna si sono resi conto della assurditá di questa proposta ed é silenziosamente finito nel cestino. Reazione del ministro dell?agricoltura Italiano: ?We are glad to hear that Brussels has given up plans to authorise the blending of red and white wines to produce rosé wine,? Italian Agriculture Minister Luca Zaia said on hearing of the decision by European Farm Commissioner Mariann Fischer Boel. ?This is the Europe we want, one based on the respect of identity, quality, food safety and tradition,? he added

?The reversal of a reform proposal, which would have marked the end of a product rich in history and quality like that of rosé wine, was made possible above all thanks to a concerted effort by Italy and France, two nations united by a common passion for wine and the culture which surrounds it,? Zaia said. ( vinowire )

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